Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pivo Limun & Deck Update


So I have fallen in love. Not just with my wife, and not just with a silly kitten named Fred, but with a wonderful beverage called Pivo Limun. Actually, that isn't a brand name, it means Lemon Beer. Now before all you Canucks start with the Eww! and Yuck!, let me tell you, beer mixed with lemonade is awesome. It's kind of sweet, and kind of tart, and lighter than light beer. Those of you that know me well are aware that I will partake of a drink now and again, but I'm not really into it for the effect, I'm in it for the taste. The stuff is 2% alcohol, and the best thing I have ever experienced on a hot day. The brand in the next photo is Ozujsko, but I have found that the 3 other brands really taste exactly the same. Delicious.

Please note this one somehow became empty. I have alerted the Croatian authorities, and they assure me they will launch a full investigation. I, however, doubt their sincerity.

Also, a few readers have mentioned there have been no photos of me. While I thought that would be a welcome relief, it appears not. So, here's a pic, I really am here. I commented to Renata after I saw the picture that it kinda looks lke I've been 'Photoshopped' into the shot. I can assure you, this is not trick photography, or digital manipulation. Oh, and if the deck looks smaller than I have reported to some of you, keep in mind I am the size of a small truck.

It was some pretty good progress today, managed to drop in a few more floor joists and put up a bunch more pergola posts. More to come in the future. Renata has finished the bulk of the painting in the house now, and she helped me a lot today. She is awesome.

Off to bed for me, everyone take care.




  1. ....So, clearly, I'm not getting that shirt back....

  2. I believe I was meant to own this shirt, and if it means I have to volunteer at Braeburn next summer, I will. :-)
