Hey everyone,
Finally last night we got some rain and the temperatures started to drop. Hvala Boze! (Thank God!) It is a beautiful 22 degrees as I write this at 7:22pm. It stormed pretty hard, and lightning crashed all night long. Really nice. Today the work continued, Renata with more painting and me with more deck work. I started to lay in the floor joists, and threw a couple of the posts for the pergolas in place. Also managed to slap on a coat of stain to keep the wood from rotting. Pressure treated lumber is non-existent here.
Tomorrow, if the weather stays cloudy, I should be able to lay in the remaining floor joists that we started staining today, and then start the walnut floor by the weekend. Each piece of walnut is about 1x10, 1x12, about 4-5 feet long, and all rough cut. I mean, right from the frickin tree rough cut. It can't be a floor until each piece of this amazing timber is sanded down. It must be barefoot friendly, you know.
Once it is sanded, each piece has to be stained (we chose a clear stain, to allow the aged walnut wood color to really stand out), and then laid down on the joists. I hope everyone is familiar with the expression 'bite off more then you can chew'. LIVING IT. I am just hoping to have it pretty much complete in the next 10 days, if the weather agrees. I need some cloudy weather. :-)